In my teenage up to college years, I was into hardcore music. My friends are in a hardcore band. I was their roadie, I got to shows and support other independent hardcore bands.
A couple of weeks ago, I enjoyed watching Netflix’s Metal Lords. I had fun watching it, I always love music-themed movies like School of Rock or Atlantic Records. Also, there are countless metal-themed movies already in the past.
And then the thought came to me. I asked myself, why are there no hardcore music-themed movies? Hardcore music is huge today. I am old but I still listen to new hardcore bands from time to time.
Famous Persons
Let me try to enumerate famous celebrities that came from the hardcore scene.
Dave Grohl
Dave started out in a hardcore band called Scream.

Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain was involved in the Seattle hardcore scene one way or another. In fact, Nirvana’s Bleach album if you listen is a blend of punk, hardcore, metal, and then what will become known later as Grunge music.

Zack of Rage Against The Machine
Before Rage Against the Machine, Zack was in a hardcore band called Hard Stance as their guitarist.
And then will front another hardcore band called Inside Out. This is him on the front cover.

Andy and Pete of Fall Out Boy
Andy and Pete were in a Straight Edge band called Racetraitor. Andy while on Fall Out Boy formed a band called Sect.

Beastie Boys
Beastie Boys as we all know started out as a hardcore band before transitioning to hip-hop. Polly Wog Stew is their debut hardcore record EP.

Moby was in a hardcore band called Vatican Commandos.

Josh Brolin
Josh Brolin was in a band called Rich Kids on LSD. He was the drummer.
CM Punk
CM Punk is a practitioner of straight edge lifestyle which came from hardcore music.

What else
As a huge hardcore music listener, I wish someday I get to see a movie depicting several personalities or bands I grew up listening to. I get it that Metal music is more popular but hardcore music is also right up there. I mean, there’s literally a genre called Metalcore.
Remember the movie triple X starring Vin Diesel, the official music soundtrack was from a hardcore band called Hatebreed.
A few months ago, a breakout hardcore band called Turnstile performed on Jimmy Fallon.
If I’m not mistaken this is the first hardcore band that performed on a very popular late-night show.
For its rich history, I believe it is time for hardcore music to break mainstream. Purists and hardliners may not like it, but underground music should not be kept hidden.