Category: Mobile Development
Thank you Android!
I just finished reading Androids by Chet Haase, about the development journey of the Android platform towards the 1.0 release. First of all, this book is important to me. Besides that I am currently an Android developer myself but because I started my passion in professional programming as an Android developer back in 2011. Technically […]
iOS 15 Button Title
If you encountered default titles on your UIButton when using setImage() like my situation below. As you can see on the screenshot below, I removed the title. So everything should be alright. And when I run it on my iOS 15 device. What the. Anyway, solution is simple. On your UIButton’s Atrribute inspector, set the […]
Realm Kotlin Tutorial
First things first, make sure you followed the official Realm tutorial on how to install it on your Android project. Here’s how I implemented it on my Android project using Kotlin. After installation, initialize the Realm instance on your Application class or your launcher Activity. Create your Realm object by extending the RealmObject class. Let’s […]
Call Multiple APIs using Coroutines
Every time my app starts, I need to call 2-3 URL endpoints to get the latest data from the API. Every app encounters this scenario one way or another. I need to know when each API call finishes so that I can prompt the user a Snackbar or dialog to indicate that I already got […]
Bluetooth printer scanning using Kotlin
One of the requirements of my current project is to be able to establish Bluetooth connection and send texts to print. See the video below for the result. Let’s create an empty Android project and let’s call it BluetoothPrintingSample. Then, create a layout folder inside res folder. Let’s create a simple layout called activity_print.xml. Open […]