Category: android
Flutter Development Reaction Part 1
I spent majority of my mobile development career on native app development, mainly Kotlin and Swift. And this is my perspective on using Flutter for the first time. I have only seen small code snippets and that’s it. This is my first time logging into Flutter’s official site. I Googled Flutter. And first thing came […]
Migrate Android build configuration from Groovy to Kotlin
Here are the steps I did when I migrated our Android build to Kotlin. Long story short, the reasons for migration is the syntax highlighting and built-in support with Android Studio. I searched for all single quotes and replaced them with double quotes. Migrate to function invocations in Kotlin syntax. As you noticed the parenthesis. […]
Postmortem: ProGuard is annoying
This morning I received several crash reports from last night’s release. I wasn’t able to replicate this crash on my debug environment. So this should be a production-only crash. The first thing that came to my mind while I read the crash report is that this is a Proguard issue. The crash was happening in […]
Thank you Android!
I just finished reading Androids by Chet Haase, about the development journey of the Android platform towards the 1.0 release. First of all, this book is important to me. Besides that I am currently an Android developer myself but because I started my passion in professional programming as an Android developer back in 2011. Technically […]
Realm Kotlin Tutorial
First things first, make sure you followed the official Realm tutorial on how to install it on your Android project. Here’s how I implemented it on my Android project using Kotlin. After installation, initialize the Realm instance on your Application class or your launcher Activity. Create your Realm object by extending the RealmObject class. Let’s […]