Category: Coding
Hobby Project –
For my upcoming birthday, I decided to write a program just for the fun of it. My initial idea was just a simple script to convert a hex string to the words “Happy Birthday Law!”. But it’s too simple and I wanted to refresh some little Python at the same time. So I wrote a […]
Dynamic TableViewCell Height
I’m going to demonstrate on how I achieved the dynamic height for my UITableViewCell. Below is what it looks like. This is a UITableViewCell for comments. ImageView on the left side is for the user’s avatar, the top most UILabel is for the username and lastly at the bottom is the UILabel for comment. Yes […]
Code Refactoring: First Loom Video
In programming, you always encounter duplicate code blocks. The best thing to do is to place it in a separate function so that we can reuse it throughout our source code.