Google Maps and Directions API using Kotlin

I will implement below on how to implement Google Maps and Directions API using Kotlin and we are going to plot a route from origin to destination. I am not gonna include here on how to get the API Key from the Google Maps Platform Console as Google has a clear directions about it. We are going to assumeContinue reading “Google Maps and Directions API using Kotlin”

Implement Chromecast on iOS using Swift

I am going to implement Google’s Chromecast on iOS using Swift.I will be using Google Chromecast 2 device and Xcode 9.4.1. First let’s read the Google Cast documentation to get familiar with it’s implementation. After getting familiar with the Get Started section, we need to register the Google Chromecast device. There will be a one time $5 fee forContinue reading “Implement Chromecast on iOS using Swift”

Implementing the expandable cell in iOS UITableView

I’m going to implement below on how to create the expandable UITableView cell for example on iOS stock calendar. From scratch, create a new project on Xcode. In your main.storyboard remove the default ViewController (delete also the extra unused ViewController.swift file in the project explorer) and drag a new TableViewController. Now that we have our TableViewController set onContinue reading “Implementing the expandable cell in iOS UITableView”

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