Category: Mobile Development
Code Refactoring: First Loom Video
In programming, you always encounter duplicate code blocks. The best thing to do is to place it in a separate function so that we can reuse it throughout our source code.
Play Looping Video using Swift
Playing a looping video in iOS is fairly simple but there’s a catch. You need to declare AVPlayerLooper global in your class. Below is the code: The videoPlayContainerView is a UIView.
Create a camera shutter in Swift
I’m going to show how I achieved the camera shutter button and animation using Swift, more or less the same with the stock iOS camera app. Grab a coffee because this one’s going to be a little longer. Storyboard UI On your ViewController, drag a UIButton and place it at the bottom part. On the […]
Create a custom camera preview using Swift
If you are looking to create your own camera on iOS, I will demonstrate how I did it on my end. CameraPreviewView First of all you need to subclass UIView and inherit its properties. We will use this Swift file for our camera preview. AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer is a subclass of CALayer that you use to display video as it’s […]
2020 Was a Mixed Year
Mixed year because as good as the metrics are compared to last year, it saddens me that a huge number of people are laid off and companies closed because of Covid-19. Hopefully 2021 will be different. Here’s a sneak peek of the app metrics during lockdown. In terms of number of installations, active devices […]